Sir Andrew Davis


Erscheint auf
Rossini From Glyndebourne: The Barber of Seville

Rossini From Glyndebourne: The Barber of Seville

Glyndebourne Festival Opera

Vaughan Williams: The Symphonies

Vaughan Williams: The Symphonies

Sir Andrew Davis


Great Composers - Mozart


Elgar : Orchestral Works

Sir Andrew Davis

Elgar: Orchestral Works

Elgar: Orchestral Works

Sir Andrew Davis

Apex: Rachmaninov Orchestral Works / Davis

Apex: Rachmaninov Orchestral Works / Davis

Sir Andrew Davis

Apex: Janacek Orchestral Works

Apex: Janacek Orchestral Works

Sir Andrew Davis

Vaughan Williams: Symphony No.6, Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis & The Lark Ascending

Vaughan Williams: Symphony No.6, Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis & The Lark Ascending

Sir Andrew Davis

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