Featured artists:
Orchestre symphonique de Nancy
February 7th will mark the centenary of Marius Constant, French-Romanian composer who was an unmissable figure of contemporary music, despite being mostly remembered in popular memory as the composer of the Twilight Zone theme. His concertante repertoire includes pieces for quite unusual instruments, such as The Four Elements exploring the broad spectrum of possibilities offered by the trombone. He also wrote the first known concerto for barrel organ, inspired by the pieces for mechanical instruments that Mozart and Beethoven composed for the musical automatons of count Deym-Müller. As for the very jazzy Chorus and Interludes for horn, piano, bass guitar, drums and orchestra, it gives a prominent place to improvisation and features on the piano a young Andy Emler, distinguished member of the Orchestre national de jazz and future founder of the successful MegaOctet.